Fudgy, Gooey Dark Chocolate Brownies

  In my quest to make a super fantastic brownie, I must have made at least eight batches, averaging two a week in the last two months. Do you know how many permutation-combinations there are in one simple dish with just seven ingredients? Tweaking any ingredient will give you a different result. Mixing ingredients in a certain way will give you a…

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Eggless Vanilla Pancakes With Honey Lemon Syrup

Pancakes have been around forever. There must be more than a million pancake recipes on the internet and here comes someone with yet another one. Gawd. Rolling my eyes at myself. But I still will post these because they might be slightly different from most since they’re eggless and I’ve managed to make them fluffy and tasty. Two weeks ago I threw…


Raw Mango Lassi – Fantastic Summer Cooler

Mango season is upon us again with a bang and what better way to beat the heat than with healthy cooling drinks which add fruits to probiotics yeah? I first drank raw mango lassi in an Indian restaurant in Hanoi, Vietnam in 1997. The restaurant’s name was Tandoor, run by a very pleasant Indian gentleman. I wonder if it’s still open. It…


Apple and Pear Crumble

What can one say about apple crumble? It’s one of the most easy, frequently made sweet treats and will most likely have been a part of the dessert menu in almost every second restaurant you would have eaten at. It’s certainly a part of every buffet in a five-star hotel. Made well, it’s delicious and hits all the right spots. However, it…


Breakfast Croissant Sandwich

I had been threatening my family with a Sunday brunch of croissant sandwiches and pancakes for the past three weeks and somehow every Sunday either got too lazy or had eaten heavy food the night before and didn’t have the urge to repeat in the very next meal. So after many a reminder and snide comments, the day before yesterday being a…


Sausage Fried Rice

This fried rice is a favourite in my house. I make a huge amount and most of it gets eaten up that very meal and whatever’s left over gets eaten up the next day. Of course, what sausage you use makes a difference to the rice. Heavily processed supermarket sausages will taste different from the artisanal ones with more meat and spices,…


Sweet Potato, Coconut and Sesame Cutlets

These days of Covid lockdown, my family, who are otherwise voracious sweet eaters are not getting any sweetmeats and I am not making any desserts either. We're eating very simple vegetarian food all week to detox, so in the evenings when everyone gets hungry, the sweet fix comes in the form of my Nutella on toast or peanut butter on toast or…